Dear Members,
Re-opening of club changing rooms and showers
Bearing in mind that all sporting facilities have now re-started in some form or another, we feel it is now necessary to re-open the changing facilities and showers, under a strict set of rules.
It certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed that many of our members who play in the evening like to remain for a drink after playing. The way things are, they are doing so while heavily sweating, despite having fresh cloths.
Government, LTA and England Squash guidelines allow for showers to be open , provided that congestion is appropriately managed and social distancing is in place.
We will do this with effect from SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST.
The rules are as follows:
- Changing facilities are only available AFTER playing or usage of the gym. Players must still arrive ready changed and keep all belongings with them.
- To be clear, nothing is to be left in the changing rooms.
- Social distancing is to be maintained: no more than 5 people are allowed to use the men’s changing room at a time, and no more than 2 people in the ladies’ changing rooms.
- In order to meet social distancing guidelines, benches have been marked to indicate appropriate spaces to get changed in, keeping to the 2 meter rules so far as is reasonably practicable.
- The men’s showers are limited to 2 persons at a time. Please be patient and considerate when using or waiting for use of the showers.
- The ladies’ showers remain unchanged.
The executive committee asks that you respect these rules, for the safety of all of us. The decision to open the changing facilities, as with all club operations, will remain under review and any updates or reminders with be issued as necessary.
Kind regards,